LEGO Stop Motion Animation Workshops
Our two hour LEGO Stop Motion Animation workshops are aimed at children aged 8+. This holiday workshop takes place at our Play Centre in Wokingham during half terms and school holidays. The two hour session provides plenty of creative fun for our aspiring directors as they get hands on with our movie kits to create their very own LEGO movie. There will be double trouble as we pair the children up to take on the movie making challenges we set them.
We will give a detailed overview of how to make the best LEGO stop motion movie using our iPad minis. We will also be sharing some of our favourite trade secrets to create a movie worthy of the big screen.
At the end of the workshop we will upload the finished LEGO Stop Motion Animation movies to our YouTube Channel so they can be shared at home.

During the Stop Motion Animation Workshop:
LEGO Stop Motion Animation Workshop Dates
Make Your Own LEGO Movie Masterpiece
The children will have the opportunity to put their imagination into creating their own LEGO movie, just like Finn and Donovan did during one of our workshops.
Check out their awesome movie… it takes a lot of effort and concentration to produce a short movie like this.