Welcome to Our Build Along Series!

Hello, Brickies! Today, we’re diving into history and learning about the Great Fire of London through LEGO. Our KS1 Great Fire of London Workshop is not only educational but also incredibly fun! In this post, we’ll guide you on how to build a microscale Tudor house and a 17th-century fire engine with your LEGO bricks. So, grab your LEGO and let’s get building!

Bring the Great Fire of London to Life at Your School with Our KS1 Workshop!

Teachers, enhance your students’ learning experience by booking our immersive KS1 Great Fire of London LEGO Workshop. Our hands-on, interactive sessions bring history to life, making education fun and engaging. Visit our KS1 Great Fire of London Workshop page to learn more and book your session today!

What Was the Great Fire of London?

The Great Fire of London was a major event in 1666 that devastated the city. Starting on the 2nd of September in a bakery on Pudding Lane, the fire spread rapidly due to strong winds and the wooden structures of the buildings. It raged for four days, destroying over 13,000 homes, 87 churches, and numerous other buildings.

Here are some fascinating facts about the Great Fire:

  • Did you know? The fire started in the bakery of Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane.

  • Did you know? The fire burned for four days and nights before it was finally extinguished.

  • Did you know? Despite the extensive damage, only six deaths were officially recorded, although the actual number is likely to have been higher.

  • Did you know? Sir Christopher Wren, the famous architect, played a major role in redesigning and rebuilding London after the fire, including the iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral.

A sketch of The Great Fire of London 1666

Building a LEGO Tudor House from 1666

Tudor houses were common in London during the time of the Great Fire in 1666. Explore some cool facts about the Tudor house we built:

  • Jetty: Many Tudor houses had upper floors that jutted out over the street below. This was called a jetty. It made the houses more spacious without taking up extra ground space.

  • Windows on Top Floor Only: These houses often had windows only on the upper floors to keep the ground floor secure and more structurally sound.

  • Single Door Entry: A single, simple door was typical for these homes, providing access to the bustling streets of London.

  • Contrast Wooden Beams: The distinctive black wooden beams on the white plaster walls are a hallmark of Tudor architecture.

  • Chimney and Tiled Roof: The houses had steep, tiled roofs and chimneys to help with ventilation and reduce the fire hazard inside.

  • Build your own: You will see the LEGO microscale version of a Tudor House that we built and it includes all the features above. Don’t worry if you have to use different colour bricks but do try to use contrast colours for the walls and wooden beams.

LEGO Tudor House - Great fire of London

Examples Of Your LEGO Tudor Houses

Our aim when building a LEGO Tudor House is to incorporate the features that make Tudor architecture distinct to other era. It really doesn’t matter what colour LEGO bricks you use as along as you get the structure right.

Check out these two colourful examples, they both feature a great jetty, you can see the contrast wooden beams to the walls and they have a pitched roof. Look at these examples built by children in Year 1, just five and six years old! Great job guys!

Pink Tudor House of Great Fire of London Example

Chloe's Colourful Tudor House

Orange Tudor House of Great Fire of London Example

Now It’s Your Turn To Build!

Learning history has never been so much fun. Pick up your bricks, get building, and immerse yourself in the world of 1666 London. We can’t wait to see your amazing creations! Here’s how you can join in the fun:

Gather Your Bricks: Find LEGO pieces that you can use to create the wooden beams, tiled roofs, and chimneys for your Tudor house.

Start Building: Follow the features we described above. Remember, your creation doesn’t have to be perfect—just have fun with it!

Share Your Builds: Once you’re done, take a photo and share it with us! Use the hashtag #BrickiesGreatFire and tag us on social media. We’ll feature some of the best builds on our site!

Learn and Play with Our KS1 Great Fire of London Workshop

Our KS1 Great Fire of London Workshop is designed to be both educational and fun, helping children learn about this significant historical event through interactive LEGO building. Book a workshop with us today and bring history to life for your students!

This LEGO Great Fire of London build along is great for Home Educated students, bring your own lesson to life with LEGO bricks. Did you know we also run Home Education sessions at Brickies?